Bol, J.C., L. Laviers, and J Sandvik. 2023. Creativity Contests: An Experimental Investigation of Eliciting Employee Creativity. Journal of Accounting Research
Bol, J.C. and S. Loftus. 2022. The Dual-Role Framework: A Structured Approach for Analyzing Management Controls. Journal of Management Accounting Research. 1049-2127
Bol, J.C. and J. Leiby. 2021. Status Motives and Agent-to-Agent Information Sharing Review of Accounting Studies, April
Bol, J.C., C. Estep, F. Moers and M. Peecher. 2018. The Role of Tacit Knowledge in Auditor Expertise and Human Capital Development Journal of Accounting Research, 56(4):1205-1252
Bol, J.C. and J. Leiby. 2018. Subjectivity in Professionals' Incentive Systems: Differences between Promotion- and Performance-Based Assessments Contemporary Accounting Research, volume 35(1)
Bol, J.C. and J. Lill. 2015. Performance Target Revisions in Incentive Contracts: Do Information and Trust Reduce Ratcheting and the Ratchet Effect? The Accounting Review, 90(5): 1755- 1778
Narayanamoorthy, G. and P.B. Wheeler (2024), "Income smoothing in banks: Obfuscation or information”, Contemporary Accounting Research, forthcoming
Narayanamoorthy, G., J. Page and B. Song (2023), Insurance Rate Regulation, Management of the Loss Reserve and Pricing, The Accounting Review, 98 (6): 407–434.
Chen, P., W. Moser and G. Narayanamoorthy (2022), “Real Transaction Management and Loan Contracting”, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, forthcoming
Heitz, A. and G. Narayanamoorthy (2021), “Creditor Rights and Bank Loan Losses”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56 (8), pp. 2800-2842
Chen, Z., Huffman, A., G. Narayanamoorthy and R. Zhang (2021), “Minimum tick size and analyst coverage: Evidence from the Tick Size Pilot Program”, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 48 (3-4), pp. 666-691
Chen, P., G. Narayanamoorthy, T. Sougiannis and H. Zhou (2020), “Analyst Underreaction and Post-Analyst Forecast Revision Drift”, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 47 (9-10), pp. 1151-1181
He., S., G. Narayanamoorthy (2020), “Earnings Acceleration and Stock Returns” Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 69, Issue 1, 26-47
Cassell, C., Hunt, E., G. Narayanamoorthy and S. Rowe (2019), “A hidden risk of auditor industry specialization: evidence from the financial crisis” Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 24, Issue 3, 891-926.
John Page
"Bank Accounting Practices and Current Financial System Uncertainty", The CPA Journal
Barrett Wheeler
Wheeler, P.B. "Loan Loss Accounting and Procyclical Bank Lending: The Role of Direct Regulatory Actions." Journal of Accounting and Economics, 67, No. 2-3 (2019): 463-495.
Wheeler, P.B. "Unrecognized Expected Credit Losses and Bank Share Prices." Journal of Accounting Research, 59, No. 3 (2021), 805-866.
Narayanamoorthy, G. and P.B. Wheeler. "Income Smoothing in Banks: Obfuscation or information?" Contemporary Accounting Research. Forthcoming.
Yuan Zhang
COVID-19 Human Capital Management Response, SEC Disclosure, and Firm Value (with William Mayew). Accepted at Journal of Management Accounting Research. 2024.
Corporate Stakeholders and CEO-Worker Pay Disparity (with Mei Cheng). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 29, December 2024.
The Role of Equity Underwriters in Shaping Corporate Disclosure (with Mei Cheng and Meiling Zhao). Accepted at Review of Accounting Studies. 2023
Analyst Forecasts, Managerial Learning, and Corporate Investment (with Yaqin Hu). Accepted at Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance. 2023.
Corporate Governance and Earnings Management - Evidence from Shareholder Proposals (with Zhongwen Fan and Suresh Radhakrishnan). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 38, No. 2, Summer 2021.
Social Connection between Media and Firm Executives and the Properties of Media Reporting (with Yi Ru, Jian Xue, and Xin Zhou). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 25, September 2020.
Directors’ Informational Role in Corporate Voluntary Disclosure: An Analysis of Directors from Related Industries (with Ruihao Ke and Meng Li). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 37, No. 1, Spring 2020.
Social Connections Within Executive Teams and Management Forecasts (with Ruihao Ke, Meng Li, and Zhejia Ling). Management Science, Vol. 65, No.1, January 2019.
The Economic Consequences of Financial Restatements: Evidence from the Market for Corporate Control (with Amir Amel-Zadeh). The Accounting Review, Vol. 90, No. 1, January 2015. Does Investment Efficiency Improve after the Disclosure of Material Weaknesses in Internal Control over Financial Reporting? (with Mei Cheng and Dan Dhaliwal). Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol. 56, No. 1, July 2013.
Information Interpretation or Information Discovery: Which Role of Analysts Do Investors Value More? (with Joshua Livnat). Presented at the 2011 Review of Accounting Studies Conference; Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3, September 2012.
Option Prices Leading Equity Prices: Do Option Traders Have an Information Advantage? (with Wen Jin and Joshua Livnat). Presented at the 2011 Journal of Accounting Research Conference; Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 50, No. 2, May 2012.
Analysts’ Earnings Forecast, Recommendation and Target Price Revisions (with Ronen Feldman and Joshua Livnat). Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol. 38, No. 3, Spring 2012.
Cover Me: Managers' Responses to Changes in Analyst Coverage in the Post-Regulation FD Period (with Divya Anantharaman). The Accounting Review, Vol. 86, No. 6, November 2011.
Analysts’ Responsiveness and the Post Earnings Announcement Drift. Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol. 46, No. 1, September 2008.
Revenue Recognition Timing and Attributes of Reported Revenue: The Case of Software Industry’s Adoption of SOP 91-1. Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol. 39, No. 3, September 2005.
Regulation FD and the Financial Information Environment: Early Evidence (with Frank Heflin and K.R. Subramanyam). The Accounting Review, Vol. 78, No. 1, January 2003.
Business & Legal Studies
Christopher Otten
Wallace, Monica Hof and Otten, Christopher Gerald (2014). A Primer on Kentucky's Same-Sex Marriage Lawsuit, LGBT Litigator, American Bar Association, Summer 2014, Vol. 4, No. 2
Bilfield, A. (2022). Brewing Sustainability in Coffee and Tea: From Producer to Consumer. Routledge Press, London.
Bilfield, A. (Forthcoming in 2025). Chapter 28: Women Small holder Farmers Growing Beverage Crops. Women and Small holder Farming: Addressing Global Inequalities in Agriculture. Editors Sachs and Castellanos. Burleigh Dodds Publisher.
Bilfield, A. (2020). Chapter 4: The Future of Fairtrade from the Farm to the Shelf. Food Labeling, Politics and Policy in the United States. Common Ground Publishing.
Bilfield, A., Hernandez, H. (2023). Fairer Farms in the USA: Exploring the Implications of the US Fairtrade Certification for Farmworker Health and Wellbeing. Journal Of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
Bilfield, A., Seal, D. and Rose, D. (2020). Brewing a More Balanced Cup: Supply chain perspectives on gender transformative change within the coffee value chain. International Journal of Food Systems Dynamics.
Performance appraisal and performance management: 100 Years of Progress? JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSCYHOLOGY, 2017.
Success and Failure in Internaitonal assignments: A Review and Proposed Multi-dimensional Model. JOURNAL OF GLOBAL MOBILITY, 2016.
Cross-level effects of demography and diversity cilmate efefcts on organizational attachment anf firm efefctiveness. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, 2009.
Host country nationals: The mising key expatruate success and failure? ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT EXCUTIVE, 2005.
The effects of feddback niterventions on performance: Historical review, meta-analysis, and a preliminary feedback intervention theiry. PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN, 1996.
THe effects of communication with employees follwing a nmerger: A longitudinal field study. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 1991.
Sherif A. Ebrahim
"The Impact of Forced Innovation on Its Intended Outcomes," (S. Ebrahim)
White Paper, Small Business and Entrepreneurship Presented to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. (2012)
"The Golden Rules of Goal Setting," Strategic Management Group, All Rights Reserved, (2012).
"Goal Setting Mistakes," Strategic Management Group, All Rights Reserved. (2012).
"Cooperative Strategies for Effective Stock Transactions," Strategic Management Group, All Rights Reserved, (2012).
"The Impact of Managed Care on the Appropriate Utilization of Emergency Services," National Association of Public Health (1995).
Rajat Khanna
Khanna, R., Guler, I. and Nerkar, A., 2016. Fail often, fail big, and fail fast? Learning from small failures and R&D performance in the pharmaceutical industry. Academy of Management Journal, 59(2), pp.436-459.
Khanna, R., Guler, I. and Nerkar, A., 2018. Entangled decisions: Knowledge interdependencies and terminations of patented inventions in the pharmaceutical industry. Strategic Management Journal, 39(9), pp.2439-2465.
Khanna, R., 2020. Aftermath of a tragedy: A star's death and coauthors' subsequent productivity. Research Policy, p.104159.
Khanna R. 2021. Peeking inside the black box: Inventor turnover and patent termination. Journal of Management 48(4): 936-972
Khanna R, Guler I. 2022. Degree Assortativity in Collaboration Networks and Invention Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 1-29
Khanna, R. 2023. Passing the torch of knowledge: Star death, collaborative ties, and knowledge creation. Research Policy, 52(1), 104649.
Longmire, N. H., & Harrison, D. A. 2018. Seeing their side versus feeling their pain: Differential consequences of perspective-taking and empathy at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(8): 894-915.
Shuhua Sun
Sun, S. (2024). A componential and functional framework for metacognition: Implications for research in personnel and human resources management. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management.
Weigelt, C., E. Shittu (2016): Competition, Regulatory Policy, and Firms' Resource Investments: The case of Renewable Energy Technologies, forthcoming, Academy of Management Journal, 2016, 59(2)
Weigelt, C. (2013): Leveraging Supplier Capabilities: The role of the Locus of Capability Deployment, Strategic Management Journal
Weigelt, C., Miller, D. (2013): Implications of Internal Organization Structure for Firm Boundaries, Strategic Management Journal
Weigelt, C., Sarkar, MB. (2012): Performance Implications of Outsourcing for Technological Innovations: Managing the Efficiency and Adaptability Trade-Off, Strategic Management Journal, 33(2): 189-216.
Weigelt, C., Sarkar, MB. (2009): Learning from Supply-Side Agents: The Impact of Technology Solution Providers' Experiential Diversity on Clients' Innovation Adoption, Academy of Management Journal, 52(1): 37-60.
Weigelt, C. (2009): The Impact of Outsourcing New Technologies on Integrative Capabilities and Performance, Strategic Management Journal,30(6): 595-616
Michael Wilson
"River of Skills", International Society of Organizational Behavior, Milan, Italy, 1998.
"Effective Developmental Leadership: A Study of the Traits and Behaviors of a Leader Who Develops Both People and the Organization", Dissertation, LSU, 2004
Executive Leadership, Practice and Application, 2003
Facilitative Leadership, Creating a Collaborative Working Environment, 2003
International Leadership, Demands of a Global Economy, 2002
Teambuilding for the Professional Work Teams, 2001
A Compartmental Model to Analyze COVID-19 Spread: Policies and Strategies to Control the Pandemic (With Ali Dag, Eyup Kibis, Serhat Simsek) (Work-In-Process)
A Hybrid Elastic Net Incorporated Bayesian Belief Network Approach to Rectum Cancer Patient Survival (With Ali Dag, Abdullah Asilkalkan, Osman Aydas, Serhat Simsek (Under Review)
Weitz, Barton A., Harish Sujan and Mita Sujan (1986), "Knowledge, Motivation and Adaptive Behavior: A Framework for Improving Selling Effectiveness," Journal of Marketing, 50 (October), 174-191. (WOS Cites=277)
Murray, Noel, Harish Sujan, Edward Hirt and Mita Sujan (1990), "The Effects of Mood on Categorization: A Cognitive Flexibility Hypothesis," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, (September), 411-434. (WOS Cites=170)
Sujan, Harish, Barton A. Weitz and Nirmalya Kumar (1994), "Learning Orientation, Working Smart and Effective Selling," Journal of Marketing (July), 39-52. (WOS Cites=277).
Wagner, Richard K., Harish Sujan, Mita Sujan, Carol Rashotte and Robert J. Sternberg (1999), "Tacit Knowledge in Sales," in Tacit Knowledge in Professional Practice, editors Robert J. Sternberg and Joseph A. Horvath, 155-183.