All Freeman alumni have access to Handshake, our online database of job postings and career opportunities for both entry-level and experienced professionals. Access the Handshake portal here.
Always Here for You
The Freeman School Career Management Center supports an alumni network with more than 25,000 members working, building and leading in countries all over the world.
Whether you’re pursuing new career opportunities or you wish to identify a mentor to reach new goals, Freeman is always here for you.
Through Handshake, the Career Management Center provides you with:
- An extensive database of job listings and networking opportunities
- One-on-one advising sessions with our career consultants in person and via telephone
- Resume and cover letter critiques
To access these resources, login to the Handshake portal. If you’re a new user or you’ve forgotten your user information, register for a new account in the system. You should send an email to to notify us that you have registered for a new Handshake account.
Tulane Connect is a network of active Tulane alumni and internal advocates who can help take your job search to the next level. Alumni connections can add strength to your search strategy and are valuable resources for industry insights, career advice, networking tips and referrals.
Join Tulane Connect and gain professional leads and connections through Tulane's global online community.
Career Consultants
Freeman's career consultants are available to meet with alumni through their first year after graduation.
We will help you update your job search strategy, connect with Freeman employer advocates, negotiate offers and navigate transitions. Meet our team here and reach out for an in-person, phone or Zoom appointment.
Services for Life
You are part of the Tulane University network for life. That means you have access to Alumni Career Services no matter where you are in your career.
From recent grads to impending retirees, we are here to help you enjoy lifelong career success. Most services are free to Tulane alumni. In the 2019 academic year, the Alumni Career Services office reached 1,834 alumni through one-on-one counseling appointments, networking events and workshops.