Rafed Al-Huq

photo of Rafed Al-Huq

Rafed Al-Huq

  • Professor of Practice
Office Address
GWBC 547


Rafed Al-Huq teaches the classes of Economics and Econometrics & Forecasting at the graduate level. He also teaches the Economics of Energy and Environment in the Masters of Management in Energy program. His research focuses on the political economy of corruption and its dynamics and evolution in developing countries. His secondary research focuses on the evolution of the dollar reserve currency system and the effect the global energy trade has upon it. Prior to joining Tulane, Rafed spent five years at various liberal arts colleges in the East Coast where he taught economics, political economy, and energy economics.


  • FINE 7510: Econometrics and Forecasting
  • FINE 6060: Economic Environment of Business
  • FINE 6010: Economics for Managers
  • ENRG 7130: Energy and Environmental Economics

Education & Affiliations

  • University of Missouri - Kansas City, Ph.D. in Economics
  • California Institute of Technology, B.S. in Engineering & Applied Science
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