Dr. Lu is an assistant professor of marketing at the Freeman School of Business. She joins Tulane from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, where she earned her PhD in marketing with a minor in social psychology.
She has diverse research interests, mainly in psychological ownership, promotion, and prosocial behaviors. Her research has been published in Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science, and Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Her findings have been highlighted by prominent national media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, and National Public Radio's Morning Edition.
Prior to her doctoral studies, Dr. Lu mainly worked as a product marketing manager in the telecommunication industry, optimizing inbound and outbound marketing activities.
- It Looks Like "Theirs": When and Why Human Presence in the Photo Hurts an Experience Venue
- Short-Asking with Long-Encouraging (SALE): A Simple Reminder to Increase Sales
- Are People More Selfish After Giving Gifts?
- The Teasing Effect
- Less Willing to Pay but More Willing to Buy: How the Elicitation Method Reverses the Valuation of a Promotion
- Approach Aversion: Negative Hedonic Reactions toward Approaching Stimuli
- Unit Asking: A Method to Boost Donations and Beyond