There are many opportunities to enrich your education and get involved in a variety of student activities that can help expand your experience as well as your network.
The Alliance of Black Business Students
The Alliance of Black Business Students (ABBS) is a coalition of students enrolled in the Freeman Business School. We are devoted to promoting diversity within the Freeman Business School as well as providing support and networking opportunities. Participation in the ABBS programs, activities, and events is open to all students, regardless of race.
- President: Ngadi Kamara
- Vice President: Grant Roquemore
- Treasurer & Programming Chair: Allen Stewart
- Social Media Chair & Director of External Affairs: Isaiah Register
- Advisor: Charlotte Battiest
Updated 9/13/2023
Alpha Kappa Psi, the world's oldest and largest professional business fraternity, seeks to develop well-trained, ethical, skilled, resourceful, and experienced business leaders. Open to all majors, AKPsi provides a unique blend of professional, service, and social events.
Executive Committee:
- President: Avik Hegde
- Executive Vice President: Anna Hobbins
- Vice President of Administration: Ava Ford
- Vice Presidents of Membership: Danielle Weber and Adam Spencer
- Vice President of Finance: Aidan McKenna
- Vice President of External Relations: René Guillot
- Master of Rituals: Reid Miller
- OUE Staff Advisor: Zhané Nelson
Updates 05/06/2024
American Marketing Association (AMA)
Open to all students, Tulane's collegiate chapter of the American Marketing Association presents members with the opportunity to learn from real-world marketing professionals. Members attend monthly meetings featuring exciting guest speakers, participate in fun hands-on marketing activities, and learn how to network with top-level marketing executives. The AMA offers a great supplement to Tulane's classroom experience and provides its members with the competitive advantage necessary to succeed in today's marketing field.
- President: Ava Rosenstein
- VP Communications: Ayanna Lovelady
- VP Recruitment: Sari Shenkman
- VP Finance: Edward Lipari (abroad)
- VP Programming: Lindsay Ruhl (abroad)
- Communications Chair: Erin Tarpgaard
- Programming Chair: Amanda Landau
- Finance Chair: Fiona Hu
- Faculty Advisor: Jeff Salyers
- OUE Staff Advisor: Zhané Nelson
Updated 10/23/2024
Founded in 1919, Beta Alpha Psi is the premier international honor and service organization for financial and business information students and professionals. There are over 300 chapters on college and university campuses with more than 300,000 members initiated since Beta Alpha Psi's formation. We are not a fraternity or sorority but an honors organization. The mission of Beta Alpha Psi is to inspire and support excellence by:
- Encouraging the study and practice of accountancy, finance, business analytics or digital technology;
- Providing opportunities for service, professional development, and interaction among members and financial professionals; and
- Fostering lifelong ethical, social, and public responsibilities.
President: Hannah Goldstein
Vice-President/Controller: Tyler Kobelin
Treasurer: Nathan Trajano
Reporter: Lauren Apollo
Faculty Advisors: Karen Foust & Christine Smith
The purpose of this honorary business scholastic fraternity is to reward scholarship and accomplishment in all phases of business, to promote the advancement of education in the science of business, and to foster principles of honesty and integrity in business practices. High scholarship and promise of marked ability are the prime requisites for membership nominations. Induction ceremonies are held during the fall and spring semesters.
- OUE Staff Advisor: Charlotte Battiest
Delta Sigma Pi, a business fraternity that recolonized at Tulane in the fall of 2014, is an organization for students pursuing careers in business, with membership open exclusively to business and economics majors. It aims to provide networking opportunities, leadership development and fraternal values with other business students.
- President: Rachel Rudner
- Senior Vice President: Zachary Fors
- VP Finance: Justin Vasilopoulos
- VP Chapter Ops: Will Piho
- VP Pledge Education: Andrew Cobb
- Chancellor: Luka Komives
- VP Professional Activities: Isaac Ratzan
- VP Community Service: Carla Le Feuvre
- VP Scholarship & Awards: Arielle Anger
- VP Alumni Relations: Rishi Tekchandani
- Fundraising Chair: Dominique Randall
- DEI Chair: Madison Sam
- Social Chair: Simran Ohri
- Brotherhood Chair: Irena Li
- Marketing Chair: Jordie Block
- Faculty Advisor: Mark Melasky
- OUE Staff Advisor: Zhané Nelson
Updated 11/20/2024
Freeman Student Government (FSG)
The FSG is the formal organization of students enrolled in the BSM program. All BSM students are automatically members of FSG. The FSG influences many of the curricular and extracurricular activities of the School. Students play a role in modifying the curriculum, in evaluating courses, in hearings of academic integrity, in planning academically related activities, in selecting faculty for special honors, and in organizing a schedule of social events. BSM students are encouraged to take a leadership role in FSG and to support the activities sponsored by FSG.
- President: Sarah Faber
- Vice President: Aidan Gerst
- Finance Director: Chloe Barnett
- Secretary: Lucy Tuchman
- Freshman Rep: Daniel Montrell /Benjamin Cohen
- Sophomore Rep: Renee Calleri/ Lindsay Jacobs
- Junior Rep: Dylan Tait
- Managing Senators:
- Rebecca Greenhouse
- Emma Matthews
- Jack Sweeney
- Alice Quing
- William Stover-Whilden
- Natalie Reyes
- OUE Staff Advisor: Zhané Nelson
Updated 10/17/2023
Green Bull Investment Banking Group (GBIBG)
The Green Bull Investment Banking Group (GBIBG) is a selective student-run undergraduate organization at Tulane University's A.B. Freeman School of Business that provides its members with essential skills and strategies to position themselves for opportunities and careers focused within Investment Banking but also other finance professions. Information Sessions will serve as an overview of what members can expect in terms of professional development, technical training and mentorship.
Executive Board:
- President: Sophie Casto
- Directors of Education:
- Ryan Wilkinson
- Kayla Rutner
- Behavioral Chair: Ellie Medovnikov
- Directors of Freshmen Program:
- Daniel Tice
- Daniel Montroll
- Hannah Manusov
- Junior Advisor: Sam Zeppelin
- Senior Advisors:
- Ben Clevenger
- Grayson Smith
Updates 2/4/2025
StartUp Tulane is a community of students interested in practicing entrepreneurship, innovation, and design-thinking. We apply our knowledge, skills, and perspectives from interdisciplinary backgrounds towards developing action-based solutions for student-venture opportunities. By providing a network for these students, we are creating a platform for finding partners to collaborate on your ideas.
- President: Zane Salameh
- VP: Joseph A Noguera-Zuniga
- Treasurer: Jackson Lamb
- Faculty Advisor: Rob Lalka
The Tulane Women Investing in Women is an organization designed to promote the goals and needs of students interested or majoring in Finance. The organization provides information regarding careers related to Finance, opportunities to connect and learn from women in the financial industry, and connecting with peers with similar career goals for undergraduate business students.
- Co-Presidents: Kiera Stocks and Arielle Wilson
- Vice President: Bella Arnold
- Treasurer: Emma Goodness
- Speaker Coordinator: Maya Skoczylas
- Secretary: Sharon Yin
- Staff Advisor: Charlotte Battiest
Updated 9/13/2023
Tulane is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Legally protected demographic classifications such as race, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status, etc., are not relied upon as eligibility or participation criteria for employment or educational programs or activities. Participation or membership in student clubs/organizations is open to all students.